Chad is a California transplant who came to Moab to access the beautiful and varied outdoor spaces we have here. As he puts it, “No where else can you ski tour, ice climb, and crack climb all in the same day!”

Chad has been working with Moab Gear Trader since October of 2021. When he is not working to assist customers, or ringing you up behind the counter Chad can be found climbing, canyoneering, splitboarding, camping, and generally exploring the outdoors. 

Climbing is his favorite however, and it’s a tie between ice climbing and crack climbing. In both pursuits of the sport you create partnerships that last for a lifetime. Chad appreciates the places climbing takes him and the impact it has on his life.  

A trip he is most proud of was his sub-24 hour car-to-car climb of the Cirque of the Towers in the Wind River Range in Wyoming. It took some dedicated trip planning and was the first time he’d ever done a car to car alpine adventure. 

Chad never leaves home without his ZOLEO Satellite Communicator. Recently he was in a situation where he needed to call a friend to help retrieve a stuck rope during a canyon in the Moab area. His ZOLEO Satellite Communicator certainly came in handy! They were able to message a friend who came and helped get the rope unstuck. 

Chad is an adventurer and has a youtube channel where he documents some of his adventures, you can follow along on his YouTube Channel here or follow him on Instagram for more stoke at @hey_chad